Brisbane SEO Services
Here at Searchical SEO Brisbane, we don’t just treat you as a ‘client’, but as a business partner. Which is why we’ve adopted an open-share policy: We’ll always keep you in the loop about the progress of your website rankings and performance.
What Does Our SEO Brisbane Marketing Include?
We get this question from jaded, cautious businesses that come to us all the time: Will I be locked into a contract?”and the answer across the board is ‘No!’
Here at Searchical, we all run our own online assets, and so we understand why nobody wants to be locked into a “contract nightmare” with an SEO and marketing firm if results are unsatisfactory.
That said, our “No” is not just about good, ethical business and great communication and transparency. We are simply that confident in our ability to apply the most cutting-edge, up-to-date SEO methods to rank you past your competition that we simply do not need a “contract” to guarantee you’ll stick with us, all the way to the bank!
Keyword Research forms the backbone of the marketing intelligence we gather and use for your Brisbane SEO campaign. Getting into the minds of your market is a mission-critical step in securing top rankings that are not only guaranteed to produce buzz for your business but actually, produce a veritable return on your investment!
Our dedicated consultant here at Searchical will do this by utilizing a number data sources such as (to name just a few), Google Analytics, Adwords, Keyword Planner, SEM Rush and Webmaster Tools to pinpoint, with Swiss Watch accuracy, the most relevant and profit-producing keywords to target for SEO website optimization.
Literally not a single aspect of your website will be left to chance, un-scrutinized for maximum SEO impact. The dedicated Brisbane Team at our Search Factory division will painstakingly dissect your website to identify any and every onsite SEO issue that may exist, and this will include identifying issues with content, site architecture, redirects, technical issues and much more.
Google’s algorithm updates hit more frequently than upheavals in Melbourne’s weather, with wave after wave of changes that continue to affect first-page ranking results. As we’ve painstakingly studied the ramifications of these changes for years, here at Searchical we’ve discovered that onsite factors like page titles, content, and overall structure increasingly play a vital role in making sure your website rankings withstand the storm of Google’s constant algorithmic changes.
It is no co-incidence that often, ranking improvements for our clients literally take place overnight after we move in to implement some onsite changes in these areas (after we establish that they are not suffering from poor backlinking penalties) as quickly as possible. This is done in such a way that does not impact (and infact, improves) user experience, and this is typically among the first tasks that we look at taking care of in our ranking strategy for your website.
On the field of battle, it is not enough to tend to the condition of the soldier. The battlefield itself needs to be surveyed to strategize and secure thevictory. SEO is no different. It is not enough to ensure your website complies with all the “known rules” and is optimized for high rankings. We survey your competition as well, and analyse the weaknesses in their SEO strategies and use this marketing intelligence against them.
Most importantly, however, this protects your website from raising Google’s suspicion by being “over-optimized” for top rankings; knowing how to optimize just enough ahead of your competitors will allow you to fly past them in rankings while remaining perfectly within the “safety zone” of Google’s radar.
Did you know that Google is increasingly factoring in the time each individual visitor spends on your web page as an important consideration for ranking relevance? This also goes for the share-worthiness of the content.
This is actually why industry terms such as “SEO content” are virtually obsolete, and any Brisbane SEO firm that offers you this as part of their “package” should see you wisely moving in the opposite direction, and as fast as possible!
What you need for your webpage is content that is compelling, written by a native speaker that is both grammatically sound, and also “conversational” enough to hold your visitors’ attention and engagement, to the tune of the industry-standard of a minimum of 1,500 words.
Our search engine optimisation in Brisbane approach is not merely about outranking your competitors in the search results. Here at Searchical, we rank your website – ultimately – with the end user’s experience in mind. This is crucial for optimizing conversions.
To us, nothing is more disheartening than generating hundreds of thousands of visitors to a website every month, and yet getting conversion rates with unexplored room for improvement in ROI. So, after we take care of the most important ranking factors, we consider the following crucial yardsticks:
- Is your website visually appealing enough?
- Is the all-important call to action compelling and clear enough?
- Is the buying process as clear and quick as possible that even a technically challenged visitor can grasp the process?
- Is it mobile friendly (this is important as more and more browsers do so with their mobile phones)?
- Are you easily contactable with readily accessible contact details should your visitors need them?
Since Google, too, has the end-user at the forefront of its ranking policy, how the users interact with your site after visiting it can score you positive points and help it add up to all the other factors that can go into outranking your competitors. Plus, your ROI will make it all worthwhile!
provided by Google itself, Google Analytics is a wonderful tool that allows us to track down a huge amount of crucial data on the number of website visitors and how they interact with it. Intelligently gathering this data and making use of it can go a huge distance in improving conversions and other optimization decisions we need to make for maximum ROI.
That is why, if your site isn’t already set up with Google Analytics tracking or you do not have access to the current login for it, it is one of the FIRST things we do to make sure this important step is taken care of right way.
Another very helpful tool provided by Google is Google Webmasters (abbreviated to GWMT). This tool helps us with important SEO-affecting tasks such as sitemap submission, checking in on crawl status, and relevant error detections and notifications that allow us to make sure everything is on track and working in tip-top SEM shape!
Many SEO experts consider “backlinking” as the Holy Grail of optimizing for the search engines, and so you will hear this term thrown around a lot. But what exactly is it, and why is it so important?
Simply put, a backlink is a link that points from another website to yours, and the reason why this is so important for ranking your website is because search engines like Google consider backlinks to be like a “vote” for your site. Almost like a “testimonial”.
What is important to realize here is that not all backlinks are created equal; some are considered high quality and others still are deemed “suspicious” by Google and penalized, which is why here at Searchical, we ensure only the highest quality, most natural-seeming backlinking strategies are in place.
Below are just a few of the basic backlinking tactics we employ with our clients:
Directory submissions have often been dubbed the “bad boy” of backlinks, and typically, many SEO agencies avoid them.
But many tests have shown that there are cases where incorporating this into a backlinking strategy can be very useful and can mean the difference between first and second page Google rankings.
Local directories – provided they are specific to your product or service – can still offer great backlinking value, made all the better by the less effort they take to pull off compared to other link building methods.
Think Yellow Pages, True Local, Yelp (among others). These can give your potential clients another place to hear about your business. In fact, Google has recognized that these are legitimate places where visitors go to search for solutions, and the recent “Pigeon” update is set to improve the strength of these sites in the search rankings, so overlooking them in a bigger link building strategy is a mistake.
Remember what we mentioned earlier about the importance of great compelling content? Well, as it turns out, it is not just website visitors that are looking for them. Webmasters are looking for them too, and this for our link building strategy spells: OPPORTUNITY!
So what we do here is contact relevant sites and offer them extremely well-written, compelling articles or blog posts, or even informative videos and graphically engaging “memes” and infographics, in exchange for a backlink to your website.
While extremely effective for producing both ranking and even quick traffic, this is a painstaking process that can take thetime to fully implement.
But overtime, we at Searchical have developed strategies that allow us to implement this more quickly and efficiently, and we’ve built a Rolodex of high-traffic websites across numerous markets that trust us and are only too happy to offer backlinks in exchange for relevant, compelling content.
What do most SEO firms have in common? They make the (hugely unproductive) mistake of treating hundreds of relevant website businesses as “statistics” instead of being run by actual human beings, and so they send out hundreds of emails begging for backlinks, in the vain hope for a response.
That is not how we do a Link Building outreach. This can easily be the most rewarding part of our link building strategy and at Searchical, here (as well as elsewhere) we follow a strict “don’t mess this up” policy.
First, we are selective with the sites we’ll have back-linking to you. Second, we actually call and engage them like human beings, and offer them value FIRST, in exchange for that much-coveted, rank producing alink to your website. That is why the successes we enjoy here are vastly higher than our competitors’.
Reports Monthly
At the end of each month’s search engine marketing implementation, you will receive an update and reports that will showcase exactly how your website’s rankings are performing, how they have improved, as well as the tasks completed for the month that produced those results. Our Brisbane SEO services come with a full package of data that allows you to see exactly how your SEO campaign is progressing.
In addition, this is accompanied by what is planned for the following months’ work, as well as a complete ranking and traffic report. We find that this is particularly useful for clients who want to sell their “virtual real estate” or who are in the website flipping industry, and therefore heavily rely on traffic numbers to justify their asking price. After all, in the ultra-competitive Brisbane digital marketing world, it’s imperative to be able to prove your results.
In addition, this is accompanied by what is planned for the following months’ work, as well as a complete ranking and traffic report. We find that this is particularly useful for clients who want to sell their “virtual real estate” or who are in the website flipping industry, and therefore heavily rely on traffic numbers to justify their asking price.
So, for those that are looking for quality SEO Brisbane services available, look no further than Searchical SEO and call 1300 899 123 NOW or fill out a form here so that we can set you up with the perfect individual SEO campaign that will help your business really take off!